Tuesday 4 January 2022

# chanel # Chanel 2021

Chanel No5 Holiday 2021 Collection REVIEW

 Hi guys,

It’s been a while since I actually posted on my blog! I’ve been trying to get back into social since I had a little break due to being so busy with work for the past year! 

I wanted my first post back to be about a very popular collection from Chanel. There has never been a Chanel collection where I actually bought multiple items - I bought the blush duo for spring 2021, and that was really the only limited edition piece I purchased … until now that is.

When I saw the collection advertised, I know that I needed to pick up almost one of everything as there are items I’ve never tried before! 

Every piece is limited edition with the exception of the lipstick in the shade Pirate. 

My try on video is above on my YouTube channel and here

I have photos from each item I purchased, as well as a little review for each product and if I’d recommend picking them up. 

Chanel No5 Holiday Eyeshadow Palette 

This palette is actually the first one I’ve tried out from Chanel, and I was so excited to start using it. The shades are beautiful - matte black, gold shimmer, frosted white and an iridescent white. 

The embossed pans are a great touch they’ve added as the collection is based on Chanel No5. 

Saying this, I do wish they had exchanged the top white shade for a transition shade as I can’t use this palette on its own - I either have to go in with my bronzer or a shade from another palette - and that completely defeats the purpose of having a quad. 

The gold and iridescent white (bottom) swatched beautifully however I would say to use your fingers to Pat on the colour as it will make more of an impact. 

The black was a bit of a let down for me as it swatches quite sheer and you need to build the colour up quite a lot. This isn’t so bad if you just like a wash of colour, but for me a Smokey eye is all about the drama. 

The frosted white also didn’t swatch the best and I could only really use this as a topper which you don’t need as the iridescent shade is so beautiful and can easily replace this. 

I’ve used the palette quite a few times to create a softer look by using a brown from another palette and using the gold and iridescent shades as a highlighter and lid shade which look beautiful. I like that you can use this palette softly or deeper depending on which shades you use. 

The packaging is beautiful just like any other Chanel quad, and you have the gold CC instead of the plain white on the packaging.

The packaging is very sturdy and you have the little applicators for if you’re on the go, or if you want to create an eyeliner with the black.

Overall, it’s a nice palette and if you want to collect them I’d say go ahead and buy, but other than that you don’t NEED to buy it. 

The lack of transition shade and pigmentation of 2 of the shades brings the score down. 

Score : 7/10

Chanel Fluide Elumineur in Or Ivoire 

This is the first illuminizer I’ve tried from Chanel - even though I have the other 2 shades of the healthy glow highlighters but have yet to try. 

I have to say that I was pretty worried when I saw the shade that it would be too to however when swatched and applied to my skin, this gives such a beautiful wash of colour and shimmer (when mixed with foundation) and a gorgeous highlight when added to the specific points of the face. 

You get A LOT of product for the price - £40 for 30ml or 1 fl oz - and you don’t even need to use an entire pump when highlighting the face so a little goes a very long way! When compared to benefit high beam which is £15.50 for 6ml, (£2.58 vs £1.33 per ml) it works out much better in the long run! 

I used 1 pump when I mixed with foundation, but only 3-4 drops to highlight my cheekbones, nose, lip and brow bone and that’s with me adding several layer to the cheekbones! 

The highlight is BLINDING but you can tone it down by doing a no makeup makeup look or by simply using less product. This doesn’t need to be set with powder - and I have very oily skin! 

It also doesn’t irritate my very sensitive skin or break my acne prone skin out either.

This is a staple in my makeup routine now and I even purchased a second bottle as a backup as it’s limited so won’t be able to buy again. 

Overall, I absolutely ADORE this product and I will constantly recommend them to everyone! 

Score: 1000/10

Chanel Baume Essentiel in Or

This product is one of those that I wish I had never bought! I haven’t tried this product but I heard a lot of people raving about them, saying you can get a glass skin effect and that it looks beautiful on the skin. 

This limited edition version has gold sparkles - reminiscent to the Chanel No5 bottle. 

Well, I don’t see the hype around this at all.

To me, it literally was like I had just rubbed Vaseline on my collarbone and shoulders. There’s a tiny hint of shimmer but it’s not noticeable. 

For £35, I thought that it would be something revolutionary. It wasn’t and isn’t. If I want the same effect, I would rub some Vaseline on me, or if I want a better effect, I’d just use my body glow from Revolution which is £15 for a huge bottle! 

Plus, when I twisted the product a little and tried to twist it back down, it didn’t want to budge so I had to push it down with my finger - not the most sanitary product. 

I don’t recommend it and I suggest you save your money.

Score: 0/10 

Chanel No 5 Rouge Allure Lipsticks 

I don’t think I’ve purchased these intense lipsticks before - and they don’t tend to do anything other than matte when they do a collection so this was a pleasant surprise. 

I picked up 3 of the 5 shades as 4 were different variations of red and there was one nude-pink (although the website states it’s a red).

The shades I picked up were 176 Independante, 99 Pirate and 191 Rouge Brulant. When looking at the reds separately, you can’t really see much difference, but when putting them side by side they look nothing the same! 

Independante is more or a bright red, where as Pirate is a true red. Both were very different to eachother so could justify buying the two. I only tend to go for red in winter and around Christmas so they wouldn’t get much used out of them. I’ve wanted Pirate for a long time as it’s one of Chanel’s classic shades and is always on the must buy lists on all blogs and most on YouTube. 

Rouge Brulant I picked up as I always go for pink-nude lipsticks and this was slightly different as it has a hint of red. It’s very strange as I don’t have a shade that looks like this and I have a lot of lipsticks! 

The only shade I have worn is independante and it’s STUNNING! The shade is very pigmented - one swipe is enough. Stays on most of the day and just elevates any look. I highly recommend picking this up if you only want to buy a lipstick - you won’t be disappointed. 

Overall, I really like this formula and it’s probably my favourite formula for Chanel lipsticks - the Rouge Allure Lacque and Tenue Duos are my favourite lip colours overall from Chanel. I will get a lot of use out of Independante as it’s so beautiful and I don’t have anything the same in my collection.

I’ve given a point off as they don’t stay on All day and you need to reapply after a while. 

Score - 9/10

Final thoughts 

Overall, this collection was nice, but there are only a couple of pieces I’d say to buy if you want to get something from the collection.

The illuminizer and the Independante Lipstick are my go-to product as I can see me using these until they’re finished. Go and pick these 2 items up if you want to buy from the collection.

Only buy the palette if you really love the shades or if you’re a collector. You don’t need to buy it but it’s a nice piece. 

Don’t buy the Baume Essentiel unless you know you love the formula and the product - this you can just skip.

Thanks for reading and watching,

Chloe xoxo 

YouTube channel: www.YouTube.com/chloeluckin 

TikTok: Chloe Luckin 

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